Monday, March 10, 2014

This past week, I've been transferred!

    On Friday, February 28 the zone leaders called me and told me to pack my stuff. Monday was my last P-day in the Independence East area. I spent a lot of the day saying goodbye to members and other people I met out there. Monday night at family home evening, Brother Abad (who was a fake leg) took his leg off and had me take a picture with it. I'll send that to you guys on the flash drive. Tuesday was my last day in the area. We went around and visited less active members and other investigators, had lessons with them and said goodbye. 

   Wednesday was the big day of transfers. In the morning I took my suitcase and walked out the door then headed down to the Broomall building. It was sad leaving that area,I was not ready to leave the area. But I was ready for a new adventure. Elder Pintor was a good guy, and I enjoyed having him as my companion.  I'm going to miss all the people out there and the experience of being in the ghetto. I would love to return to that area!

   As for my new area, I have been transferred to the Cherry Hill New Jersey first ward. My new Companion is Elder Hellyer. He's cool, so far I like him a lot. He's from Mona Utah. My new area is not ghetto, there's actually houses and their separated. People here have lawns and cars and decent property. So far I like it here a lot, the members are awesome! The members I've met so far are really cool people. In our area we have a car, and the members have us over for dinner often; I hope I don't get fat.  Our apartment is also really nice, the only down side is that we have squirrels in our roof that fight all the time.

   Thursday was District meeting and weekly planning. In our district it's Elder Hellyer and I plus four sister missionaries. During Weekly planning I discovered that we don't have very many investigators yet but we can fix that. It's going to be hard memorizing the area out here because it's a larger area and there's lots of random roads. 

   Friday we spent a lot of time in the car driving from house to house talking to former investigators. Being in the car most of the day was not to great, I would rather be walking around but it takes to long to walk from place to place out here for the most part. Elder Hellyer and I entertain ourselves in the car though whenever we're driving, we get along pretty well. 

   Saturday morning we were recruited to go help out in the Bishop's store house. I've never been to a Bishop's store house before so I didn't know what to expect, but it was fun. We stocked shelves, broke up pallets, and fixed things up. We did that for the first half of the day then went to dinner at the Drinkwater's house that night. 

   Sunday I got to meet most of the people in the ward. The ward is great! After church we had a lesson with a recent convert and had another dinner at a members home. This area is great!

   My new address is: 2708 Hamilton Blvd Voorhees New Jersey 08043.

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