Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 21

  Being in a car area is a lot different than being in a walking area. In Philly it was really easy to find people to talk to on the bus or the sub, or just walking around. Out here we have to go knock on doors every now and then, which I don't really enjoy doing. Hopefully when the weather warms up we'll see more people outside. 

   Tuesday we knocked doors and stopped by former investigators. In the evening we had dinner with a part member family. The ward out here loves us and feeds us a lot. The people in the ward are all really cool and down to earth, they're funny and relaxed. 

   Wednesday we knocked doors again. Nobody answered when we knocked but we were able to talk to a guy we saw running and he said he was interested in hearing what we have to say. His name it Matt. We set up an appointment to meet with him. Every Wednesday we have a lesson with this guy named Herrman. He was baptized without a testimony but we're helping him gain the spiritual strength he needs. He lives off of government money but he thinks he's loaded and always insists on taking us out to eat at really nice/expensive restaurants. We try to talk him out of it but he gets mad at us every time we don't take the offer haha. He bought us lunch that afternoon. Wednesday night we had dinner at the ward mission leaders home and during dinner we talked about getting members to fellowship their friends and neighbors and invite them to listen to the missionaries. So far it seems like we have a plan that should be really successful, hopefully we can implement that soon. 

   Thursday after zone training, stake president Via Sikahema brought all the missionaries in the zone pizza for lunch. We got to meet him and talk to him for a while, that was cool. 

   Friday we knocked doors. It was an uneventful day. However, since we have our iPads now we have all the Mormon Messages and Bible Videos downloaded. We had the idea to ask people if we could show them a quick 5 minute video if they answered the door. Out of all the doors we knocked, only one person came to the door, and we persuaded her to watch the video. She wasn't open minded, at first she didn't want anything to do with us. But as she watched this random video we chose, the spirit worked on her and she became really interested in investigating the Book of Mormon. She ended up asking us for a copy of the book. She didn't want us to meet with her but she was excited to receive a Book of Mormon. 

   Saturday morning we went to the Bishops storehouse again to help out. They love having us there. President Anderson gave us permission to go every weekend, sine it's out of our area. So helping at the Bishops storehouse became a weekly thing to do. I enjoy being there helping out, having fun, and meeting new people. In the afternoon we met with this guy that we've never met before who randomly sent us a text out of nowhere. His name is Bryan. He told us a friend of his gave him one of our cards with our number on the back. We have no idea who gave him the card. We called him up and he told us we could meet with him right then. When we showed up we weren't what he was expecting. He was expecting Catholic ministers... He didn't seem very interested in what we told him but he agreed to continue meeting with us. 

   Sunday was a quick day. Church was good. We had a member bring a non-member friend who wants to learn more about the church. We we're able to introduce ourselves to him. He was an interesting guy, we couldn't tell if he thought the church was weird of if he was really enjoying himself. Sunday night the Triano's had us over for dinner, they're a really cool part member family. The dad's not a member but he will be someday. Something I want to do out here is start a family home evening at the church where members can bring non-member friends and investigators can meet members and everyone can be spiritually uplifted and have fun. 

I cannot wait for the summer to come around!

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