Monday, March 31, 2014

Week 22

   This week started out like any other week. P-day was good, we played basketball with some youth before we had to go to a members home. Tuesday was an interesting day. In the morning Elder Hellyer and I went out to get in touch with some less active members, then came back for lunch. Just before we were about to walk back out the door I got a call from the assistants. They told me, "Elder Hellyer is being ET'd (emergency transferred), we need to talk to him". He had about two hours to get all his stuff packed up. The assistants came and picked him up a little before 5. The zone leaders came and picked me up at the same time the assistants got Elder Hellyer. So I hung out with the zone leaders until about 11 o'clock that night until I got a new companion. Didn't get back home until midnight. But my new companion is Elder Hopkins. He's cool. He's more motivated than Elder Hellyer was, more in tune with our missionary purpose as well. I don't know why Elder Hellyer was picked to participate in this ET but nobody will tell me anything about anyone so... Now that Elder Hellyer is gone, it's basically like Elder Hopkins and I are doubling in. We're both very new to the area. We don't know very many members yet, we're working hard to find investigators because there weren't any before (we just recently picked one up and possibly found a family to teach), and neither of us know the area. So far things are going really well though, a lot better than I thought. 

   Wednesday was just a day full of finding. Spent most of the day stopping by less active members then knocking doors around their homes. There's a lot of less active members out here who just simply don't want to come back to the church, just don't want to; weird. We did find some members however who were very excited to see us. 

   Thursday we spent the day at the church for district meeting and weekly planning. had dinner with a member after that. 

   Friday was a long day. We spent most of the day in the car. We found a binder in our apartment that has a summary of every person in the area book and ward directory. It gave us a lot of very useful information. With that we compiled a list of people to stop by starting from the bottom of our area working our way back up. We were able meet a family who's the neighbor of a less active woman that day and found a kid who is dying to become a missionary. He loved coming to church, the only reason why he doesn't come now is because he doesn't have a way to get there. 

   Saturday was a full day. We spent all morning having fun at the bishop's storehouse. Right after that we helped the ward clean up after a woman's expo. Stopped by some people, then played basketball at the church. Normally we have a group of non-members come play with us but that night it was just us and a member kid named sack.

   Sunday was a full day as well. We had church, meetings after church, someone to take the sacrament to, people to stop by and dinner at a members home. It is supposed to get cold again this week. I can't wait for summer to come around. I am tired of the cold. It'll be easier to exercise in the morning during the summer too. Hopefully throughout this next week we will find more people to teach.

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